Stars will row for medals on home turf – Czechia hosts ERC!
After almost 60 years, the premier rowing competition is returning to the Czech Republic. During May 26-28, the European Rowing Championship will take place in Račice.
“I am looking forward to the European Championship since last fall. It is a huge event and I never rowed anything similar at home and probably will never row again,” says single sculler Ondřej Synek.
The three times olympic medallist didn’t sit in a boat since Rio, but he still has the successful winter part of the preparation behind him, having spent plenty of time in the weight room, on the C2 rowing machine and cross country skiing. That includes some racing – he took part in the Jizera Mountains 50 and also skied fifty kilometres of the Krkonoše 70.
“We trained in cross country skiing a lot. I am familiar with it, so I tried racing and rather got into it,” admitted Synek. On the day following the last ski race he did a 6000 m test on the rowing machine and finished third. “It went well. My time is not bad considering that my legs were heavy as if cast in concrete. Relative to my training, the results are as good as in the past. All is going according to plan and I am healthy, that’s most important. My back, which was bothering me the whole previous season, is holding up. Shortly I will be leaving for the first rowing training camp in Italy. First time on water and scrimmages involving rowing stars are awaiting me,” added Synek who is the face of the European Championship.
European Rowing Championship is returning after 56 years
According to the accessible sources of the international rowing federation FISA, the first European Rowing Championship took place in Italy in the city of Orta in the year 1893. In the years of 1925 and 1961 it was run in Prague with some overseas crews participating. Later it was replaced with a regular world championship but its tradition was renewed due to the initiative of some European federations in 2007, including the Czech Rowing Federation. The European Championship is returning to the CZ after 56 years. Lately, the championship titles were regularly earned by Mirka Topinková-Knapková and Ondřej Synek. In Račice the competitors of all Olympic and some non-Olympic events will participate, some as an exhibition.
Championship will be run at the end of May in Labe Arena of the Ústí Region, where many improvements were made since last year. “For the competitors, we have new living quarters and dining areas, already tested by the Czech rowers. The grandstands, the finish tower and the supporting areas are being improved, and a new press center is being completed. For the convenience of the speed canoeist there will be a new connection between the main and return channels at the 600 metres mark for their starts at the 500 m and 200 m,” announced the President of the Czech Rowing Federation, Dušan Macháček.
Championship is not showcasing a roadshow only
Tickets to the European Championship are already on sale at Ticketstream.
Fans of rowing will have an opportunity to meet with the rowing stars at the roadshow preceding the championship. The first show will be in Ústí nad Labem on Wednesday, March 22 at the soccer game between the Czech National Team and the team of Lithuania. The show will return to Ústí’s business center Fórum during April 26-30. In May, visitors of the business centers in Prague (May 6-11) and in Pilsen (May 15-19) will have a chance to try to row.
“We will propagate the championship through the broadcasts of the radio station Radiohouse. We also closed the media partnerships with Czech Television and with the multimedia company Matra and with Bigmedia. Rowing is the traditional and most importantly successful sport. One of the largest sport events of this year in the Czech Republic deserves the attention of the sports fans. We believe that Račice will be busy in May,” said David Trávníček, President of SPORT INVEST Marketing, the major marketing partner of the Championship.
Partners will provide the vehicles
The rowing championship is supported by ČEZ, AAA Auto, MSMT, Ústí Region, Veolia, Zdravotní pojišťovna of the Department of Interior and the CzechTourism Agency. “As the largest dealer of previously owned automobiles not only in the Czech Republic, we are constantly looking for new ways to address sports fans and partners. Thanks to our partnership with the soccer league we realized that our support of the Czech sports is the right way and it is an honor to similarly help Czech rowing and canoeing,” said Jan Dobiáš, Director of Marketing and Communication of AAA Auto.
Another partner of the European Rowing Championship is GoGEN, Czech retailers of electronics, which is a sponsor of Ondřej Synek since 2015. “Ondra personalizes our logo. Simply put, we can define it as quality, endurance, performance and energy,” explains the Marketing Manager of GoGEN Zdena Kašparová, explaining the reasons why her company chose to sponsor Ondřej Synek.